Privacy Policy

The company 8 ORBIT (hereinafter referred to as the "Data Controller"), publisher of the site referred to as the "Site") undertakes to maintain the strictest secrecy and not to disclose to a third party, directly or indirectly, either the existence or the characteristics of the information provided by the Users of the Site, with the exception of the processing envisaged by this Privacy Policy.

As such, the Data Controller implements all technical and organizational measures to protect the data but cannot guarantee their security with certainty.

Their confidentiality will be partially or totally lifted in the following cases:

> They entered the public domain prior to their disclosure by the User or a third party;

> With the express, written and prior authorization of the User;

> On the injunction of a legal or regulatory provision or in the context of legal, administrative or arbitration proceedings.

By using the Site, the User consents and accepts the use of his personal data by the Data Controller, in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


2.1 Data collected

As part of its activity, the Data Controller is required to process information concerning Users, some of which is likely to identify them (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Data").

The processing of this data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR") and French law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 (" Data Protection Act).

The processing of this data is based on the User's consent, in accordance with Article 6 §1 of the GDPR.

The Personal Data collected by the Data Controller are as follows:

a) Information communicated directly by the User:

> Last name First Name ;

> Postal address, e-mail address, telephone number;

> Username and encrypted password allowing identification on the Site;

> Any other information voluntarily provided on the site or through communications between the User and the Data Controller and in particular the email addresses of Customers and/or Partners that the User uses to invite them to register on the Site.

b) Information collected automatically (cookies):

> IP address and identifiers of the computer equipment,

> Operating system used by the terminal,

> Type and version of the navigation software used,

> Date and time of connection to the Site,
Site browsing data, content viewed.

c) Information collected by IoT equipment installed at the User:

The Controller does not collect or process any sensitive data. Any information or sensitive data voluntarily communicated by a User on the site is his sole responsibility.

2.2 Purposes of processing

The processing of this personal data by the Data Controller makes it possible to operate, provide and improve the services offered to the User. These purposes include:

> The provision, resolution of problems and improvement of the Site;

> Account management and User authentication;

> The processing of orders and their payment;
Delivery of the item(s);

> Statistics and audience measurements;

> Sending emails and newsletters;

> Fraud prevention.

2.3 Recipients of the data collected

The data collected is mainly intended for processing by the controller (internal services) as well as the following subcontractors:

> The hosting provider: SCALEWAY;

> The delivery service provider;

> The payment provider: GOCARDLESS.

Details of the processing of this data by the service providers are available at the following links:



If necessary, the Data Controller may communicate the data collected to comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations.

2.4 Retention period of collected data

The data is kept for the time necessary to meet the aforementioned purposes, without the retention period exceeding two (2) years from the last interaction with the Site. The Data Controller takes reasonable measures to ensure their confidentiality.

However, the Data Controller may keep certain data longer if necessary in order to comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations

2.5 Data Subject Rights

In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the GDPR, the User has the right:

> Access, rectification, updating and deletion of information concerning him;

> Opposition to the processing of personal data concerning him for legitimate reasons, without reason and without charge, to this data being used for commercial prospecting purposes;

> Questioning the data controller regarding her data;

> Definition of directives relating to the fate of his personal data after his death;

> Portability of data from one automated system to another, without the controller being able to prevent it;

> Information by notification in the event of a security breach and illicit access to its information;

> To withdraw consent at any time to the processing of data;

> To lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the event of a violation by the controller of these rights.

The User may exercise these rights described below by contacting the Data Controller:

> By email to the email address

> By post to the postal address: 8 ORBIT, 288 rue de Vaugirard, 75015 PARIS (must enclose a copy of an identity document with the request).

The Data Controller has the site hosted by a specialized service provider (SCALEWAY) whose information is contained in the Legal Notice.

The User may also at any time delete his account as well as the data linked to it directly from the applications distributed on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

2.6 Personal Data Security

The Data Controller undertakes to take all technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection and security of personal data, in particular against any loss, alteration, dissemination or illegal use.

The Data Controller ensures that such measures are put in place for all operations carried out as part of its processing, and in particular during the collection of personal data, their storage and their hosting.

The Data Controller also ensures that the third parties it may call on (technical service providers, suppliers) comply with this requirement to protect the User's personal data by implementing appropriate measures, in accordance with the Applicable regulations. The technical and organizational measures put in place may include the use of secure registration forms, the encryption of certain data (such as bank details), and restricted access to personal data.

The Data Controller invites the User to exercise the greatest caution in the communication, by him to third parties, of his personal data but also of his personal identifiers and passwords allowing access to the Site.

Some messages or solicitations received may come from ill-intentioned people seeking to obtain personal information about the User for fraudulent use (practice of phishing). If the User receives a message that appears to be a phishing attempt, he is asked not to respond to it and not to open the attachments, images or links contained in the message. The User has the possibility of reporting it by e-mail to [...] and on <a href=".

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Access and communication of Personal Data

> Communication of Users' personal data to the employees of the Data Controller:

The User's personal data is accessible to the employees of the Data Controller if these persons need to have access to it for the execution of the purposes mentioned in the article Purposes of the processing, namely mainly to provide Users with the Services appropriately. The internal departments of the Data Controller which may have access to Users' personal data are the IT department, the technical assistance department, the marketing/sales department.

> Communication of Users' personal data to third parties:

Communication to service providers :

The Data Controller may in particular give access to Users' personal data to third-party service providers, acting as subcontractors within the meaning of the Applicable Regulations, to perform services relating to the Site or to the processing of data and including hosting, storage, analysis, marketing, communication, data processing, database management and computer maintenance services. These service providers act only on instructions from the Data Controller and will only have access to Users' personal data to perform these services and will be bound by the same security and confidentiality obligations as the Data Controller.

Communication to Partners for commercial prospecting purposes:

The personal data of Users are not subject to communication or transfer to third parties for commercial or promotional purposes, except with the prior express consent of the User.

The User's choice to receive commercial prospecting offers or messages from and/or his Partners is subject to his prior and express agreement by means of a corresponding checkbox accessible when he is asked to provide personal data.

If the User no longer wishes to receive them, he has the possibility of unsubscribing at any time via the link located at the bottom of each of the messages received or by contacting the Data Controller by e-mail:

Other types of communications:

In addition, the User's personal data may be shared with third parties for the following reasons:

> In the context of a sale or contribution of goodwill, a merger, acquisition, absorption, demerger, confusion of assets, and more generally any acquisition or sale of all or part of the assets, in any form whatsoever either, of the Data Controller, the transferee being responsible for complying with all the obligations arising from the Applicable Regulations, of which the User acknowledges having been informed;

> in response to legal or administrative proceedings of any kind or to law enforcement measures requested by the competent authorities;

> to comply with legal obligations, to protect the rights and/or safety of an individual, to protect the rights and property of, including the need to see the Terms and Conditions complied with, and to prevent problems fraud, security or technical.

2.8 Transfer of Personal Data

The Site is hosted by SCALEWAY on physical servers in France and/or Europe.

Personal data concerning Users is processed via various software and applications by the Data Controller. These software and applications are hosted on secure servers in Europe under conditions that comply with the Applicable Regulations.

The Data Controller requires these service providers to take, in accordance with the Applicable Regulations, all organizational and technical measures to ensure an adequate level of protection for Users' personal data.


3.1 Definition

A cookie (or “tracer”) is a small computer file, deposited and read during the consultation of a website. The term cookie covers, for example, http cookies, flash cookies, the result of the fingerprint calculation, invisible pixels or any other identifier generated by software or an operating system, for example.

3.2 Cookies placed on the Site

Technical cookies (including audience measurement cookies): they allow you to know whether or not you are connected to your customer area or reserved area, management of your selection of products or services, etc. The site is also likely to use cookies from statistical and audience measurements intended to determine the number of visitors and the sections visited;

Third-party application cookies : used in accordance with the previous articles by Google, Facebook and Instagram;

Optional cookies: They are intended to improve the user experience and facilitate user research by offering products and offers related to their areas of interest.

3.3 Block or delete cookies

The User can decide, at any time, to accept or refuse all or part of the cookies.

However, the refusal of all or part of the cookies could prevent the User from accessing certain functionalities of the Site.

If necessary, the Data Controller cannot be held responsible for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of the Site resulting from the impossibility for the Data Controller to save or consult the cookies necessary for its operation.

The User can:

> Accept cookies: all cookies are accepted (default);

> Only accept cookies from the site visited: cookies from third parties, from a domain outside the one visited, are refused;

> Never accept cookies: all cookies are refused.

To manage his cookies, the user must refer to the relevant sections of his Internet browser.

> Microsoft Internet Explorer

> Microsoft Edge

> Apple Safari

> Google Chrome

> Mozilla Firefox

> Opera

3.4 « Do not track »

The User can configure his browser so that it sends a code indicating to websites that he does not wish to be tracked (“Do not track” option).

> Microsoft Internet Explorer = ie-11

> Microsoft Edge

> Apple Safari

> Google Chrome
https ://

> Mozilla Firefox
https ://

> Opera

3.5 Audience measurement cookies and analytical cookies

Analytical cookies make it possible to obtain anonymous traffic statistics in order to optimize the site and detect any malfunctions.

If the User does not want the site to save cookies in his browser for audience measurement purposes, he can click on the following links to find additional information:

> Cookies Google Analytics
https ://

> Cookies ATInternet

> Cookies Amplitude

> Cookies Charbeat

>Cookie Weborama

3.6 "Social network" cookies

The site may include social media features. These functionalities are likely to generate cookies to enable their operation and to collect the User's IP address and navigation. These features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them.

> To manage data on Facebook and Instagram
https ://

> To manage data on Google

The User's attention is drawn to the fact that if he decides to block or deactivate all or part of the cookies that the Data Controller places via his Site, the Site concerned may not function correctly, and the User may not being able to benefit from all the Services and functionalities provided through the use of cookies.

In the event of a question or comment on how the Data Controller uses cookies and other tracers, the User may contact the Data Controller by e-mail


This Policy may be modified by the Data Controller at any time. In this case, the date of update of the Policy will be updated and will indicate the day on which the modifications were made.

If the Controller makes significant changes, Users will be notified by email. In the event of a modification of the Policy, the new version in force will be applicable to the User as of his connection to the Site.

In the event of a dispute between the User and the Data Controller, the Policy to be taken into account will be that in force at the time of the facts giving rise to the dispute.

5. Location Tracking

Myr Provider: The app will track your real-time background location to find nearby tasks that require a user location. It will also let the provider know how far you are from their next task in the same office. The location works by finding the nearest task in the office whose geofence you are in and then starting work. The app will not track your location when not in use.

Appy pie Features with Geofence: We need access to the user’s location to be able to send out specific information through push notifications to them according to their geolocation.

We are accessing background location permission for the smooth functioning of the geo-fence feature.
This app is using the background location feature to enable the geofence feature.